Recommended Books and software

I've read the most books 40 years ago. Most of them are out of print and out of stock.
I posted a question to our experts in BBO-Forum to hear, which books today are preferred

My favourites:
      Books on play
Books especially on defense: Books on bidding Software to learn declarer play Software to learn defensive play Useful software

Books on defense
William S. Root: How to defend a Bridge hand. AMAZON.DE
A wonderful new book, which covers all aspects, you need to improve from every level.

Robert Berthe, Norbert Lebely: "Pas A PAS"
All you must know defensive play. Vol3 NT-defensive-play. Vol4 Suit-contract-defensive-play. Available only in French or German (Schritt für Schritt 1-4; beim DBV)
BarbaraSeagram, David Bird: "Bridge 25 way to be a better defender"
Great introduction for beginners to all secrets of defensive play. Available by Amazon
Eddie Kantar: "Eddie Kantar teaches modern defense"
All you wanted to know about signalling and the basics of defending. Available by Amazon
Eddie Kantar: "Eddie Kantar teaches advanced defense"
The emphasis on this book is on how to think when on defense.. Available by Amazon

Books on play (declarer and defense as well)
BarbaraSeagram, David Bird: "Bridge 25 way make more tricks as declarer"
Great introduction for beginners to all secrets of declarer play. Available by Amazon
William S. Root: How to play a Bridge hand. A wonderful new book, which covers all aspects, you need to improve from every level. Introduction by Omar Sharif. Contents.
*      Louis H. Watson: Watson's Play of the Hand at Bridge
This one is the "CLASSIC" written about 1930 but strongly recommend forever by many experts (like e.g. Ben)
*      Victor Mollo, Nico Gardener: Card play technique
This book is a must for every beginner and intermediate! It is available by Amazon.
*      Terence Reese, Roger Trezel: MASTER BRIDGE SERIES Volume 1-3
Easy and systematic. Alas in English out of print. Auf Deutsch erhältlich bei Amazon: Meister Bridge Serie Band 1-4
* Robert Berthe, Norbert Lebely: "Pas A PAS"
All you must know about declarer and defensive play.
Vol1 NT-declarer-play. Vol2 Suit-contract-declarer-play. Vol3 NT-defensive-play. Vol4 Suit-contract-defensive-play.
Available only in French or German (Schritt für Schritt 1-4; beim DBV)
*      Victor Mollo: Winning Double
Great experience and practice for intermediate+ and advanced players. Available by Amazon
*      C.H. GOREN: on play and defense. @1974 All the techniques, the logic and the challenge of master bridge
*      T. Reese, A. Dormer: The complete book of bridge. @1973 Chapters concerning play of the cards are excellent. Chapters on bidding are interesting.
*      C.H. Goren: GOREN’S NEW CONTRACT BRIDGE COMPLETE. @1942 Chapters concerning play of the cards are excellent. Chapters on bidding are interesting.

Books on bidding
*      E. Kaplan, A. Sheinwold: “How to play winning bridge”
*      R. Anderson, S. Zenkel: "Preempts from A to Z" (Sperrgebote von A bis Z)
*      M. Bergen: "Points Schmoints"; "More Points Schmoints"; "Better bidding with Bergen I, II"
*      Larry Cohen: "Following the LAW"

Software on learning declarer play
*       F. Gitelman: Bridgemaster

Software on learning defensive play
*       E. Kantar: Modern Bridge defense
*       E. Kantar: Advanced Bridge defense

Useful Software
Deep Finesse; Perfect double dummy analysis
SuitPlay; Perfect analysis how to play every suit combination. (AND it is FREE)
Dealmaster Pro; Produce bridgehands, which you think you need