Summary about signals (to begin with) for my mentees
Having an agreement (even perhaps an inferior agreement) is better
than no agreement at all. |
Agree with your favourite partner whatever you like. |
3. Standard carding means: high/ low = even count = encourage |
4. If partners leads a honour of a suit, give attitude by playing the highest card you can afford. |
5. If declarer leads a suit AND the information is important for partner (don’t help declarer unintentionally) give count by playing high/low. |
6. Lead Conventions Ø
4th from a long suit not headed by a sequence of 3 Honours |
7. Roman discards (first free discard) Ø
Odd card (3,5,7,9,) Roman discards include Lavinthal. |
8. If you win partners lead and you want to play back the suit: Ø
Play the originally 4th, if you had 4 or more |
Suit-preference and count are only given, if partner needs the
information. |