Resumè on squeeze play by Victor Mollo
A simple
squeeze takes effect when a defender cannot discard without unguarding one of two suits, thereby presenting declarer
with a trick.
A double
A double squeeze takes effect when one suit is controlled by both defenders
which also need to guard each one a second different suit. (Yvon)
Every squeeze demands two MENACES (or
more). The first can be a one‑card menace, but
the second must have at least two cards, headed by a winner. The two hands must
have a link, and this must be with the two‑card
In a POSITIONAL squeeze both menaces
are in the same hand over the victim. The squeeze takes effect because the
victim has to discard before the hand
with the two menaces.
In every other type of squeeze the
menaces must be divided one in declarer's
hand, the other in dummy. The squeeze takes effect because the victim is
OUTNUMBERED. He cannot keep in his one hand as many ACTIVE cards as declarer
and dummy between them.
To make a squeeze effective, it is
necessary to reduce the victim's hand to the point at which all his cards are
ACTIVE. There must be no IDLE cards.
In preparing a squeeze the above is of
paramount importance. The first step is to concede the inevitable losers,
relying on the squeeze for ONE extra trick only. lf
the defenders do not cash all their winners, declarer must FORCE them to do so
before giving effect to a squeeze. This is known as RECTIFYING THE COUNT.
Sometimes a further step in preparing
a squeeze is needed a menace position must be " re‑arranged
". This play, known as the Vienna
Coup, arises when a menace is blocked by higher cards opposite (e.g., Q x
opposite A x or J x x
opposite A K x). The high cards are played first, "
releasing " the menace card opposite to do its work.
In planning a squeeze declarer looks
for two menaces against the same defender. Sometimes one menace is readily
available, but the other is doubtful; perhaps the suit is being held by both
defenders. To ISOLATE the menace,
declarer endeavours‑by ruffing or ducking to
exhaust the partner of the intended victim of this particular suit. Then the
menace points at one defender only. Declarer hopes that it is at the defender
who is already threatened in another suit.
As in the case of a simple finesse,
the hope that the cards are well placed often guides declarer in planning a
squeeze. He knows or guesses that one of the defenders guards a certain suit.
The next step is based on the hope that he guards a second suit as well. It is
vulnerability on two fronts which
lays the victim open to a squeeze.