Lessons history 2004-2005
2005-07-11 Just more practice bidding/defense
2005-07-11 Just more practice bidding/defense
2005-07-04 More Practice (hands from BBO-tours) bidding, play and defense
2005_06_27 Practice (hands from BBO-tours) bidding, play and defense
2005_06_20 Advanced trump play (e.g. trump-coup)
2005_06_13 Practice (hands from BBO-tours)
bidding, play and defense
2005_06_06 Squeeze II
2005_05_30 Squeeze I
2005_05_09 Tourney playing practice
2005-05-02 Defense against suit-contracts III
2005-04-18 Defense against suit-contracts II
2005-04-11 Defense against suit-contracts I
2005-04-04 Defense against NT contracts III
2005-03-14 Defense against NT contracts II
2005-03-07 Defense against NT contracts I
2005-02-28 Basic Signals
2005-02-21 Summary play a suit contract
2005-01-31 Play with the odds. Getting used the missing cards calculator.


Play a suit contract
2004-10-16 Solution of the above homework
Indy 2004-10-11 Play a suit contract
2004-10-09 Play a suit contract
Indy 2004-10-04 Play a suit contract